Hailed as the first and only dedicated download site for iPhone stuff such as downloads where you get movies, music, games, e-books and so much more, ready for download to your iPhone(well, maybe not totally true for you have iTunes, remember, the site owned by the one who made your iPhone?). Want to get content that is constantly updated through wireless, they have it plus . . .
If one prefers music that is quite off the mainstream such as hip-hop and other minor groups, then Blastro is the site for you. In another attempt to get their music out onto the world to more and more people, artists who might not be under the huge financial umbrella of the major record labels have banded together to promote their own work. This has bee necessary for . . .
Music and Movie sharing sites – Wolves in sheep’s clothing???
I recently read the article on squidoo regarding the activities of these sites that say they offer free and unrestricted downloads of all types of music and movies. The article says they are scams and believe me many are for as long as I can remember in writing for this blog, I’ve come across tons of them. Some sites offer free downloads at the beginning in exchange for . . .
RIAA, MPAA and other nuances of Copyright Laws
These are the main promoters of protection for copyrighted music and movies in the United States which is moving for more control over the sharing of such material online. They might be backed by big business but they sure are making it difficult for many to get music that is not only royalty free but liability free. Many have tried and failed at this attempt but that doesn’t . . .
One of the Giants in the paid, digital Music downloads business is an old player in the game. Ever since it was established in 2004 in the UK it has grown exponentially as well as the many other technology based companies also owned by Benchmark Capital (which also owns eBay by the way along with just about major players in the tech world). Their site offer’s whole album . . .