Just some of the long lived music sharing sites (Blubster, EzTracks, Kazaa, etc.) that have very strong publicized control on copyrighted music but total discretion is left to the end-user. One can get music and share it for free just as long as it is completely legal? What gives, many sites for music sharing have followed suit in their file sharing disclaimer but enforcement . . .
Throwing Music and other artist sites
This might be the trend of the future with artists having their own dedicated sites instead of having them under big labels doing their own independent marketing and selling. Many artists, well mostly those who are in the process of making it big but do have the talent and guts to take on the many labels have opted to get onto the social network using it as their own marketing . . .
Named after the famous character from the Matrix series, is another of the P2P file sharing programs on the net offering tons of free downloads and other free stuff. Like many of the P2P systems in use, the program does not yet include a function that prevents control over copyrighted content but they promise this in future versions. There are tons of downloads available once . . .
The company has had a ton of stints with the law but guess what, they are now legal, or they claim to be. The company is one of the foremost music source for those who wanted free music and many more and took the role from the damned Napster which was forced to close due to many legalities they couldn’t cope with a few years back. The new iMesh offers legal downloads with . . .
Malware Loaded Hard Disks …….Anyone?
This might not be of importance to many but it does pose a serious threat to us computer users all over the world. We all know of viruses and other forms of malware you get when you download programs on the internet right, well this puts a twist in the malware arena for imagine getting a new hard disk and getting it pre-loaded not with a free operating system or other useful . . .