Among the early birds in the peer to peer sharing of files era would account Morpheus among others. Music, applications, videos, you name it. Just do a random search for anything of your liking and you will find plenty of people and sources to which you can download them.
But with every free service comes a risk. One is that of viruses or Trojans invading your workstation. Sure, they will always tell you that the software is virus free, but how about the actual files you get? Especially if they are compressed and zipped, there is no telling what hidden files may be included in the process.
The of course there are the legal implications for violations of copyrights. Sharing of files may be okay, but licensed applications would usually be limited towards the actual purchaser of the product. But once any product or application has been distributed, control and tracing of such distribution may be a widespread recipe of including people who do not know what they are really doing.
[tags]downloads, peer to peer, file sharing[/tags]